We thank all faculty for their enthusiasm and hard work - advocacy is work by many.

Faculty MPNE2016

Anders Olauson, European Patient Forum, Sweden

Ana-Maria Forsea, Romanian Skin Cancer Foundation, MPNE, Romania

Scott Wagers, eTRIKS, Belgium

Anne Rogiers, CHU-Brugmann, Belgium

Ann-Christine Moenaert, Anticancerfund, Belgium

Iain Galloway, MPNE ocular, United Kingdom

Tom van der Velde, Melanoompunt.be, Belgium

Koen van Elst, Stichting Melanoom, Netherlands

Anne Wispler, Hautkrebs Netzwerk, Germany

Hans Boetl, Hautkrebs Netzwerk, Germany

Martina Kiehl, Hautkrebs Netzwerk, Germany

Lucy Davis, UK

Alexander Rösch, University Hospital Essen, Germany

Pascal Wolter, CHR Verviers, Belgium

Christian Ottensmeier, University of Southampton, UK

Gilliosa Spurrier, MPNE and Mélanome France, France

Karel Verkoelen, Sanofi, France

Rianne Cuijpers, Netherlands

Astrid Nollen-De Heer, Stichting Melanoom, Netherlands

Eline Bunnik, Department of Medical Ethics of Erasmus MC, University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Netherlands

Andrew Evans, A Cure in Sight, Netherlands

Rune Holst Johansen, Netværk Modermærkekræft, Denmark

Luc Vautmans, Melanoompunt.be, Belgium

Savo Pilipovic, Melanoma patient association, Serbia

Imogen Cheese, The UK Melanoma Patient Conference, United Kingdom

Svilen Konov, HIV activist, United Kingdom


Violeta Astratinei, Stichting Melanoom, Melanom Romania and MPNE, Netherlands

​Bettina Ryll, MPNE, Sweden

​We are looking forward to meeting you in Leuven!

MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

Melanoma Patient Network Europe

Last update 11th March, 2016 BR

Faculty 2016

Welcome to MPNE2016

18th- 20th March 2016
