
quickstart workshop

10th- 12st June 2015

Last update 9th June 2016 BR.

Melanoma Patient Network Europe

MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

The small print

Decisions about workshop participation will be based on suitability for the workshop as well as scope of the work of the Associazione Contro il Melanoma and the Melanoma patient network Europe and are final.


This event was funded by


​MPNE- annual budget, contributions by Amgen, BMS, MSD, Novartis and Roche


​The Communication QuickStart 2016 is taking place in Pisa, 10th- 12th June 2016.

Workshop participants will be staying at RESIDENCE LE BENEDETTINE, a former monastery that has been transformed into a guest house belonging to Pisa University.

​​​Get started....


Communication QuickStart

Organised jointly by the workshop Association Against Melanoma  and MPNE

10th- 12th June 2016



This QuickStart workshop is for European Melanoma advocates who are looking fordeeper understanding about communication and who want to explore different social media channels to share that knowledge with as many Melanoma patients as possible.

Who should apply?
Successful communication is crucial to our work as Melanoma advocates. 
We communicate with patients, carers, advocates, clinicians, regulatory and HTA bodies, the general public, the pharmaceutical industry, the press. 
With this QuickStart workshop, we aim to provide European Melanoma advocates with a deeper understanding of what communication is, how it functions and plenty of room to discuss.  


Attendance is upon application only, selected participants will be provided with free conference registration, accommodation and meals as well as reimbursement of travel costs for up to a maximum of 300 EUR (after attendance of the meeting and against original receipts and a completed reimbursement form). You will need to bring a digital device with access to the internet and we will ensure to have access to WiFi in all areas.






Friday 10th June

from 4pm
Arrival and opportunity to catch up with your European advocacy colleagues in real life! If you can’t wait till June- you’ll receive an invite to a dedicated Slack group to connect before.

6pm – 7.30pm

Welcome and introduction to the workshop

Short introductory round for participants

8pm Dinner in Town

Saturday 11th June

8am Coffee

An introduction to Melanoma from prevention to current treatments.

An overview of the challenges melanoma presents to lay people,
patients and advocates.

Antonella Romanini – Pisa, Italy

Primary prevention and secondary prevention models in Pisa.
Nevio Dubbini – Pisa, Italy

HappySun : a friendly App for increasing UV light awareness and modifying life style.

Emilio Simeone - Livorno, Italy


How do we effectively communicate
Luca Mori – Pisa, Italy

Words, emotions and communication in the brain

Donati Pietro - Lucca, Italy

12.30-14.00pm Light Lunch


Effective communication: everyday and clinical settings psychology.

Capture attention and convey essential messages in an effective way

Claudio Gentile - Padua, Italy

Knowledge Management – Making sure we know what you know

Rob White – London, UK

15.30-16.00 Coffee


The interaction between man and machine: challenges and limits:We don’t only communicate with other people- but also with machines.

Relevant topic considering that we mostly communicate via social media!

Nicoletta Calzolari Zamorani - Pisa, Italy

Improving Medical Communication with Language Technologies

Giulia Venturi – Pisa, Italy

8pm Dinner in Town

Sunday 12th June 

8am Coffee

9.00-10.30 Breaking news from ASCO 2016

Antonella Romanini- Pisa, Italy

10.30-11.00am Coffee


​Experience from secret blogging to public apperance

Karianne Fevang - Tonsberg, Norway

Use of the Internet two build tailored health interventions

Alberto Piras - Milan, Italy

12.00-13.30pm Light Lunch and goodbye

We are looking forward to seeing you in Pisa!

Antonella, Nevio and Bettina