MPNE 2017

SOS Melanoma

The Value versus Affordability debate in Melanoma. 

17th- 19th March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

New therapies have changed advanced Melanoma from a hopeless disease to one with hope for even a cure.

However, these therapies are as innovative as they are expensive.

Today, numerous Melanoma patients no longer die because there are no therapies but because healthcare systems are no longer able or willing to pay for these treatments.

Innovation, especially innovation making a true difference for patients, deserves reward. At the same time, financial constraints in healthcare systems are a reality we can no longer ignore. 

Melanoma patients however are among those who pay the ultimate price for this dilemma- with their lives. 

For this reason, join us for MPNE2017 in Brussels, 17th- 19th March 2017,

  • to truly understand the perspectives and constraints of all stakeholders as no one alone will find a solution
  • and take part in the discussion about building a future that will deliver therapies that are both effective AND affordable

Attendance of the MPNE 2017 conference

conference language is English

Who should apply?

European Melanoma patients, carers and advocates. 

​Attendance is upon application only.

Not a Melanoma advocate but still interested to attend? Please contact us

What does it cost?

Accepted advocated will receive free registration and accommodation for 2 nights (17th, 18th March) at the conference venue. Extra nights are at participants' own expenses.

​Travel needs to be arranged for by participants themselves but will be reimbursed up to the maximum amount of €350 for economy/ 2nd class travel after full attendance of the conference. 

Please look for the best deals and keep the original receipts of your bookings. 

Don't want to travel alone? Use the MPNE facebook group to find fellow travellers!

Cannot afford to pay ticket upfront? Please contact us.

MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

Melanoma Patient Network Europe

“The future is not shaped by people who don’t really believe in the future. It is created by highly motivated people, by enthusiasts, by men and women who want something very much or believe very much.” John Gardner

Value versus


​IN melanoma 

MPNE 2017.