MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

Melanoma Patient Network Europe

These are first notes what to expect in 2020! 

24th November 2019 BR

However, if you want to watch program development in real-time, watch the space!!


MPNE 2020 

Annual MPNE conference for European Melanoma advocates

Melanoma at the Edge- theme heterogeneity

Summer 2020

arrival Friday in the morning, we start early in the afternoon



In best tradition

MPNEhubs- invitation only


19.30 MPNE hubs working dinner 

8.00- 12.00 MPNEhubs


13.30- 14.00

QuickStart, especially recommended for MPNE new-comers

Welcome to the conference and MPNE

Bettina Ryll

Melanoma in a nutshell

Bettina Ryll

Know your stage!

The Melanoma stage defines treatment options and prognosis, so is critical to understand. This is the compressed MPNE version on staging!

Violeta Astratinei and Gilly Spurrier, MPNE

MPNE 2020- the short version

What to expect from this weekend with brief introduction to sessions

Fredrik Östman and Bettina Ryll, MPNE

14.00- 15.00
Welcome Coffee

Meet your colleagues and time to hang up your posters! 

Parallel session program- under development 

15.00- 15.50


16.00- 16.50


17.00- 18.30

18.30- 19.00 Fireside chat

Olivier Michielin, Lausanne, Switzerland

Bettina Ryll, MPNE


Advocacy Speed Dating

20:00 Dinner


8.00- 9.00 Breakfast 

9.00- 10.30
Session- Tumour heterogeneity

Melanoma is a cancer famous for its heterogeneity, which comes with particular issues regarding diagnosis, treatment and resistance development under treatment over time.

This session will look into some of the reasons for this heterogeneity and how to overcome them.

Organ-specific behaviour in Melanoma- why do mets in some organs respond less well to treatment?

Olivier Michilien, Lausanne

When to treat- at disease progression? Adjuvant? Neo-adjuvant? And what does this have to do with heterogeneity? And a potential optimal response to treatment?

James Larkin, London

10.30- 11.00 Coffee

11.00- 12.30

Session- Resistance

Resistance to therapy remains a major challenge for us in Melanoma- understand why some patients become resistant and why having a heterogeneous tumour is particularly dangerous in this setting, and most importantly: how to overcome resistance.

Treating a moving target- therapy, evolution and resistance in Melanoma

Samra Turajlic, CRIK, UK

13.00- 14.00 Lunch

14.30- 16.00

16.00- 16.30 Coffee

16.30- 18.00


19.00 Poster competition and Reception

Present your favourite Melanoma advocacy project- past, present and future- on a poster! 

20.00 Conference Dinner 

Advocacy Day 

8.00- 9.00


please make sure you check out

9.00- 10.30


10.30- 11.00 Coffee

11.00- 12.30

Session: Network update

12.30- 12.45

Conference summary and closure
Bettina Ryll, MPNE


Lunch and Departure


ECAB meeting tbc