MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

Melanoma Patient Network Europe


in  Central and Eastern EuropE

30th August- 1st September 2019

Skopje, Macedonia

MPNCEEhubs 2019


Version 16th August 2019


30th August- 1st September 2019


Park Hotel, 1732 street no.4, Skopje 1000, Macedonia

please bring your own tablet/ laptop

Friday, 30th August 2019

13.00- 14.00 
Check-in and Registration

14.00- 15.00
Purpose of the meeting and elevator-introduction! present yourself in 2 min

Elevator introduction explained
Patient advocacy is not a usual field of work, so most people we meet will have never heard about it. Often, we meet people in passing- so the art is to present the essential of who we are and what we do in the time it takes to share an elevator with someone.
Out of this our elevator-introductions! were born- we set a timer and everyone gets exactly 2 min to present her- or himself. Please prepare- and practice makes perfect!


15.00- 15.30 
Session 1 – Knowledge protects: why Melanoma education matters

Understanding current Melanoma therapies

Melanoma therapies have changed a lot since 2011- but not every patient understands that they aren't chemotherapy and that side effects are different
Know your Stage!
Why staging matters and how to best teach our patients
Bettina Ryll, Gilliosa Spurrier and Violeta Astratinei

15.30- 16.00 Coffee

16.00- 17.30
Session 2- Melanoma therapies- what do we have, what’s coming next and clinical trials in CEE to watch out for

What are upcoming developments in Melanoma, the importance of clinical trials for Melanoma patients and what can we as network do?


- how to find a clinical trial

- how to draft a medical history

17.30- 19.00
Session 3- Review of the access maps for Melanoma drugs in Central and Eastern Europe
We will map the availability of Melanoma therapies in Central and Eastern Europe

20.00 Dinner
Continue the discussion with your team over dinner

Saturday, 31st August 2019

8.00- 9.00 Breakfast

HTA Workshop Part 1

Mark Molnar, Ideas & Solutions, Hungary

10.30-11.00 Coffee

11.00- 12.30

HTA Workshop Part 2
Mark Molnar, Ideas & Solutions, Hungary

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.30 – 15.30 HTA Workshop Part 3

Mark Molnar, Ideas & Solutions, Hungary

15.30- 16.00 Coffee

16.00 -17.30 Immuno-oncology and Melanoma in detail

John Haanen, NKI Amsterdam, Netherlands
Immune therapies in Melanoma in detail- how do they work, what are recent developments?


Session 7- Groupwork: mapping access 

19.30 Conference dinner time tbc

Sunday, 1st September 2019
Advocates only- includes planning for MPNCEE2020

8.00- 9.00 Breakfast
Please make sure you check out

9.00- 10.30

Advocacy Session 1: Advocacy in CEE

The Rigvir experience

Olga Valcina, Latvia

10.30- 11.00 Coffee

11.00- 12.30
Advocacy Session 2: Planning for MPNCEE 2020

12.30- 12.45
Workshop Summary and Closure
Bettina Ryll, MPNE

13.00- 14.00 Lunch and Departure

Looking forward to seeing you all in Skopje!

The MPNE team

