MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

Melanoma Patient Network Europe


keep up to date by subscribing to their Melanoma feeds

note- interestingly enough, targeted and immune therapies still hide under 'translational concology'

written for patients

by the american society of clinical oncology

Melanoma Molecular Map PROJECT

Great resource on Melanoma

Learn about Melanoma Staging


Last update 11th Jan 2017. BR

information on melanoma

​​A very complete ASCO guide to Melanoma written for patients and particularly interesting for patients with metastatic Melanoma as it covers the latest therapy options thoroughly.

Sections are regularly reviewed and approved by theCancer.Net Editorial Board, mostly 9/2013, so please make sure you read up-to-date information!

HOw to treat Melanoma today

A guideline is a recommendation written by Melanoma experts on how Melanoma should be treated and based on scientific evidence. Please note that this guideline is from 2015, updated in 2016 and an update expected in 2017

ESMO Melanoma ​GUIDELINE 2015 

(inclusive update 2016)

In Europa per year more than

100 000 new cases

22 ooo deathS

due to Melanoma

Learn more about Melanoma

Journal of oncology feeds